Friday, March 13, 2015

Domestic Abuse: The Cycle

Cycle of violence

  1. Abuse: The cycle can start anywhere, but after a relationship has stabilized the abuser will "show who's boss" by showing aggressive behavior or belittling, which can psychologically damage a person into become withdrawn and lack self-esteem. :(
  2. Guilt: After the abuser abuses his or her partner, just like accidentally stepping on a dog's paw, the abuser feels guilty, not because it is wrong to abuse someone but because there is always a possibility of getting caught and if that's the case he or she needs to cover their tracks, this train of thought,in some cases, happens subliminally.
  3. Excuses: To avoid actually taking responsibility the abuser will string together a series of lies, and of course apologize repeatedly.
  4. "Normal" behavior: For the cycle to be able to begin again the abuser has to gain their partner's trust back, (this is soooo sad!) because the abuser usually doesn't mean a word he or she says, and buys gifts and flatters his or her partner to be able to move on to the next phase to be able to abuse again.
  5. Fantasy and planning: This part is pretty messed up, but the abuser (after gaining his or her partner's trust back) fantasizes abusing their partner!!! He or she begins to think of things their partner did wrong and how he or she can punish them, in some cases, if the abuser is extremely wack he or she can make up things in their heads and actually believe them!
  6. Set-up: The abuser sets the partner up and puts his or her plan in motion, creating a situation where he can justify abusing you, and alas the cycle begins again

For the Film Opening this cycle can easily be incorporated; for instance we can show a girls receiving flowers and chocolates from their partner at school, but when the girls go to grab the gifts she long sleeve shirt rises up and reveals a large, black and blue bruise on her forearm with a quick cut to her face, she blushes and pulls it back down, even though no one would be looking. At this point the only sound playing in the back ground would be a happy, feel good song. The boyfriend, possibly named Nate walks in and apologizes(he is whispering because he doesn't want anyone to know) & (the domestic abuse hasn't been explicitly stated, only implied by the bruise), while Nate apologizes, black and white shots (with no sound except the voiceover of Nate from the other scene) from a scene showing the domestic violence taking place. 

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