Friday, March 13, 2015

Why do abusers abuse?

The social views on domestic violence vary especially from region to region; the concept may be very poorly understood. In some places, the relationship between the husband and wife is not considered one of equals, but one in which the wife must 'submit' herself to the husband.

Alcohol is often used as an excuse for an abusers behaviors, but much like the other excuses abusers make this one doesn't make up for the actions; although, intoxication can trigger aggressive behavior it is not the cause. 

Many cases of domestic violence arise from the jealousy felt by one partner that they suspect their partner of being unfaithful or is planning to leave the relationship, this may be a small cause but mostly used as an excuse. 

Psychological theories suggest that personality traits and mental characteristics of the abuser can be factors: traits like bursts of anger, poor impulse control, poor self-esteem, and abuse experienced as a child leads some people to be more violent as adults.

This ties into the social aspects like external factors: environment like family structure growing up and current, and stress. Stress can trigger aggressive acts, financial crisis is a common factor. (This is why there are more reported domestic violence acts in low-income relationships. 

When a male cannot support his family, his 'masculinity' levels drop so he has to prove it in some other way, by controlling and abusing the wife or girlfriend.  

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